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Are you a trusted source for advice among your coworkers? Do you enjoy helping people and advocating for what’s right and fair? Then you just might be the perfect fit to become a PROTEC17 Union Steward!

A steward is a member-leader who helps welcome new members to our union and represents their coworkers in workplace issues. If you’ve ever thought about becoming a Steward or are just curious and want to learn more, we will be holding a month-long training series on different topics starting March 3rd, beginning with ‘Welcoming New Members’.

Welcoming new members is a vital part of being in a strong union. In this training, you’ll learn some different ways to greet new members and get them signed up in our union.

Register HERE: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwofuqqrDIqE9aXn6yq1NltFVWlSkP-aH3v

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