Want to form a union?
If you’re working in a classification that is covered by a PROTEC17 contract and you’d like to join our union, you’ll need to fill out our Application for Membership. If you’re not sure if your classification is covered by PROTEC17 or if you’re interested in forming a union at your workplace, contact our organizing team at join@protec17.org.
Featured Members
I worked hard to be hired by King County because I heard they had an awesome union. It is important to show and celebrate the way our union impacts our lives, in and outside of work. Without the union, work conditions would be set by the person who signs the checks and they would prioritize numbers/capital over people without anyone to hold them accountable. Together we can make history by leading the way and showing examples of how unions can protect employees and our families!
I joined my union to support PROTEC17’s advocacy for competitive salaries, benefits, and professional growth opportunities for everyone. As a new Steward, I am focused on growing solidarity and participation in activities.
I joined the union the moment I accepted my City of Seattle job, which was the first union I’ve ever even had a chance to join. Not one of my previous jobs over 35 years was unionized. I’d watched “Norma Rae” and “Made in Dagenham” and “Matewan” growing up and knew the importance of unions and was happy to finally be able to pay dues and support such an important organization.
What’s Happening
PROTEC17 members are always busy making positive change.